Fei Xue, PhD Statistics Student, Winner of the 2018 SLDS Student Paper Award


Fei Xue, Statistics PhD student, has been selected as a winner of the 2018 Statistical Learning and Data Science (SLDS) Student Paper Award for her paper entitled “Variable Selection for Highly Correlated Predictors”. The SLDS of the American Statistical Association (ASA) sponsored a student paper competition for the 2018 Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM) that is to be held in Vancouver, Canada, on July 28th-August 2nd, 2018. Papers submitted to the SLDS for consideration must be original theoretical, methodological, or applied, research that used principles of statistical learning and data science.

Student winners will be invited to present their papers in a designated topic-contributed session at the 2018 JSM conference in Vancouver, Canada. In this session, winners will be presented with a monetary prize and an award certificate. Winning papers will also be recommended for a submission to the flagship journal of Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal.

For more information and an updated list of other winners for this year's student paper competition, please see: http://community.amstat.org/slds/awards/student-paper-award