Karle Flanagan Wins both LAS and Campus Teaching Awards


Instructor Karle Flanagan has won the LAS Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by Instructional Staff as well as the campus-level award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching.

Ms Flanagan will be honored for these awards in separate ceremonies in April 2019. Karle received her MS degree in Statistics at the University of Illinois in 2013 and began teaching for the Statistics Department in the spring semester of 2014. She has specialized in very large lectures of STAT 100 and more recently has become involved in STAT 200. In 2018 Karle was recognized by a campus-wide award given annually by the student body. She is currently working on an exciting and ambitious project to make data science accessible to all University of Illinois students through the course STAT 107 Data Science Discovery that she has developed along with her collaborator CS Professor Wade Fagen-Ulmshneider.