Steven Culpepper recognized by Provost with 2021 Campus Distinguished Promotion Award


During its annual promotion review process, the Campus Committee on Promotion and Tenure identifies exceptional cases of scholars whose contributions have been extraordinary in terms of quality of work and overall achievement. Associate Professor of Statistics, Steven Culpepper, has been named one of twelve recipients of the Campus Distinguished Award for 2021 as he promotes to full professor effective August of 2021. Of eleven other scholars receiving this honor, four have been promoted to full professor, and seven promoted to the associate professor rank. 

In recent years, the Provost has invited the Campus Committee on Promotion and Tenure to identify particularly excellent cases during the promotion review process, noting those scholars whose contributions were truly exceptional. Professor Culpepper's promotion dossier was identified for this special recognition based on the scope, quality, and impact of his scholarship, teaching, service, and engagement efforts. The full list of those to have received this honor can be viewed here: Distinguished Promotion Awards