11/02/2022 - Yubo Zhuang, second-year Statistics-PhD student, was recently notified of being awarded a 2022 NeuIPS 2022 Scholar Award for his paper titled “Wasserstein K-means for clustering probability...
10/31/2022 - The Department of Statistics invites applications for multiple specialized faculty positions (100% for 9 months) that support our growing statistics, statistics & computer science, and data...
10/31/2022 - The Department of Statistics at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign invites applications for an open rank faculty (Assistant/Associate/Full Professor) position in Statistics and Data Science...
09/30/2022 - Sihai Dave Zhao (GNDP), an associate professor of statistics, has been appointed the Director of Computational Genomics at the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology. Zhao has been a member of...
07/08/2022 - The second annual Blackwell Summer Scholars program concluded on July 1, 2022, with the scholars presenting research projects they developed over the six-week workshop. Named for University of...
06/29/2022 - Assistant Professor Xinran Li is a recipient of the 2022 International Chinese Statistical Associate (ICSA) Outstanding Young Research Award. The ICSA Outstanding Young Researcher Award honors ICSA...
06/06/2022 - Assistant Professor Naveen Narisetty receives the Helen Corley Petit Scholars position for early career scholars. Recipients of the named scholar are awarded based on their contributions in education...
06/03/2022 - Earlier this year, we had an opportunity to catch up with Illinois alumna, Krti Tallam for a virtual Stat Chat. After graduating from Illinois in 2018, earning a bachelor degrees in statistics and...
06/01/2022 - Statistics-PhD student, Wenzhuo Zhou is a recipient of the 2022 MassMutual Student Research Award from the New England Statistical Society (NESS). Zhou’s paper, titled “Estimating Optimal...
04/29/2022 - Katy Miles, senior and student employee in Statistics, was recognized for her excellence at the 2022 Student Employee and Tutor of the Year Recognition Event, hosted by the Office of Student...
04/25/2022 - Held at the I-Hotel & Conference Center, the 2022 Bohrer Memorial Student Workshop in Statistics returned to tradition on April 23, 2022. The 2022 Bohrer Workshop would be the first workshop...
04/15/2022 - Professor Bo Li has been awarded the ASA Section on Statistics and Environment (ENVR) Distinguished Achievement Award for 2022. ENVR Awards recognize outstanding contributions to the development of...
04/01/2022 - The Statistics Department hosted Ketki Joshi for our inaugural Stat Chat at the Campus Instructional Facility on Monday, March 28, 2022. The Stat Chat series is designed to give students a better...
04/01/2022 - The Graduate College is proud to announce that Aaron Thompson from Statistics is the winner of the 2022 ...
03/24/2022 - Professor Susu Zhang named as the 2022 National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) recipient of the Alicia Cascallar Award for an Outstanding Paper by an Early Career Scholar. The NCME...