03/24/2022 - The National Council on Measurement in Education has named Professor Emeritus William Stout as the recipient of the NCME Award for Career Contributions to Educational Measurement. This award honors a...
01/31/2022 - The Department of Statistics invites applications for instructors, lecturers, teaching track assistant/associate/full professors and clinical track assistant/associate/full professors. Some areas of...
01/14/2022 - Mengchen Wang’s paper, “Bayesian Changepoint Estimation for Spatially Indexed Functional Time Series”, is an honorable mention in the 2022 ENVR Student Paper Competition. Wang, a fourth year PhD...
12/22/2021 - James Balamuta, Visiting Assistant Professor in Statistics, has been selecting as the winner of the 2022 Psychometric Society Dissertation Prize. The Psychometric Society Dissertation Prize...
12/08/2021 - Undergraduate students in the Department of Statistics presented research projects to peers, mentors, and general attendees at the Fall 2021 Undergraduate Research Experience in Statistics (URES)...
11/30/2021 - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign alumnus, Ehsan Bokhari, was recently named the new Assistant General Manager for the Chicago Cubs. The 38-year-old Bokhari graduated from Illinois in 2011 with...
11/18/2021 - The NetMath program at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign provides college students and high school students an opportunity to enroll in college level courses to earn credits while learning...
11/08/2021 - Karle Flanagan, Senior Instructor of Statistics, has recently been named as a CITL Faculty Fellow effective Fall 2021. The Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning Faculty Fellowship program...
10/28/2021 - Lyndsay Shand received her PhD in Statistics from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2017 specializing in spatial-temporal analysis and is now a research statistician at Sandia. At Sandia,...
10/05/2021 - Senior Statistics student, Bingyu Zhou, has been selected to display her artwork at the Illini Union Art Gallery through the month of October. Her show, Scratch Paper Paradise, comprises over 200...
09/29/2021 - Two students associated with HQAN got the opportunity to do internships in the quantum computing industry this past summer. Scott Turro and Kaiwen (Kevin) Gui both emerged from their experiences with...
09/15/2021 - The Department of Statistics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invites applications for tenure-track assistant professor positions in Statistics and Data Science (100% for 9 months)....
09/15/2021 - Fifth year Statistics Ph.D. student, Joshua Loyal, has been selected by the International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA) as a recipient of the 2021 Applied Statistics Symposium poster award....
08/20/2021 - The Institute of Mathematics (IMS) recently named University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Statistics-PhD alumni, Dr. Judy Huixia Wang...
08/05/2021 - The Gies College of Business Office of Risk Management and Insurance Research (ORMIR) at the University of Illinois announced that they are awarding Statistics Professor and Department Chair, Dr. Bo...