Communications Office

The communication office manages the marketing and communication efforts for the Department of Statistics. Communication officers monitor the publication of departmental newsletters, create copy for materials to promote our programs, manage the department's website and social media, and create and coordinate mass communications from the department to external audiences. The communications office also serves as the primary contact for media requests about department activities.

Have a story to tell?

Let us help tell your story. Contact today to share your news and we'll be happy to work with you on how best to share with the world. 

Quick Links

Office of Strategic Marketing and Branding
University of Illinois official branding standards and materials: Logos, Wordmarks, Typography, Design Templates, etc.

How we can help

Communications staff are available to consult on or assist with external communication or marketing needs within the department. The following table details services that we can provide and how to request them.

I would like to: Start here:

Submit a news item about my research, recent publication, grant award, scholarship, or other academic/professional accomplishment

Send an email to The communications office will follow-up for more details if needed. 

Request a press release about the results of my research or an event I am hosting

Please email requesting a press or media release. The communications office will follow-up for more details if needed. 

Send an internal communication to all department members

The communications office is available to assist with crisis or emergency communications. For other internal communications, please use one of the departmental mailing lists.

If these lists do not fit your needs, please reach out to for assistance.

Produce a print communication or publication

For small publications, such as a poster, flyer, brochure, the communications office requires a lead time of at least two weeks to plan production. For larger publications like program booklets and newsletters, required lead times start around 6–8 weeks. As soon as you are aware of your need for a new or updated print publication, please contact

The communications office will coordinate with you and the business office to determine the best avenues for publication and funding sources, if necessary.

Create a new web page to promote a new program or initiative, provide information to key audiences, or serve an organizational need within the department

The timeline for creating new web pages can vary greatly, from weeks to months, depending on the scale of information that needs to be dispersed and the availability of key details at the time of request.

As soon as you are aware of your need for a new webpage, please contact The communications office will work with you to strategize web content to best serve your needs.

Update content on an existing department-affiliated website or web page

Please email with your requested change. In that email, be sure to include the URL of the page(s) you would like to update. The communications office will apply changes as needed and submit the revised web content for your review.